[SD-User] RSGB 80m CW Sprint

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Wed Sep 24 11:28:24 EDT 2008

The September RSGB CW Sprint takes place today, 24th
September, from 2000 - 2130 Local Time (BST) on 80m,
3520-3570, with a QRS section from 3550-3570.

There are QRP (10w) and LP (100w) sections.  HP is not

Rules at www.vhfcc.org/hfcc/rules/2008/rsprint.shtml.
Check out the "Example CW QSOs" section at the end of
the rules.

SD V14.10 supports the Sprint, and is free from

  Select the "RSGB 80m Sprint" template.

Work everyone.  Exchange Serial + Name - no RST. 

You may enter these as a single field.  For example,
3FRED is expanded to 003 FRED in their respective fields.

You must move at least 2 kHz after a QSO where another
station called you - and at least 5 kHz if you want to 
call CQ rather than call another station directly.
With SD's rig control enabled, the frequency display
turns red when you log a QSO.  Move 2 kHz or more and
it returns to the normal colour (with a red #), meaning
you're free to call someone else - but not to call CQ.
Move a total of 5 kHz and the red # disappears, meaning
you can call CQ, or call anyone else.

With ESM (Enter Sends Message) enabled, SD sends your
exchange in the recommended format, and toggles mode
(Run/S&P) once you log a QSO.  If you're in RUN mode
(calling CQ) you might like SD to switch to S&P mode
once you leave your calling frequency.  The RUNRANGE
command sets the frequency change threshold to do this.

If you use a callsign/name reference file (.LST text
file), with Callsign as the first field and Name as
the last field, SD autoinserts the name on a callsign
match, and will insert the serial before the name -
even if you use SD's overwrite (OVR) mode for data

Send your Cabrillo log, from SDCHECK, as an attached
file to cwsprint.logs at rsgbhfcc.org.

Please mention SD in your log.

Paul EI5DI

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