[SD-User] AUB and ALB files

VO1HP fdavis at nfld.net
Mon Jul 27 03:57:23 PDT 2009

OK I'll confess I don't know much about how to handle files.  After a suggestion from VO1HE and others.....I changed the extention to the BACKUP files to .ALL and .AUD and SDI open the log without issue.

73 Frank VO1HP

---------------Origional Message

When returning from portable location after IOTA I backed up my log using 
BACKUP command to a thumb drive.  So I have two files 09IOTA.ALB and 09IOTA.AUB

My 09IOTA.ALL file (log) is still on the PC at the portable location.   I'm at 
home now .....  so how do I load the log into my home shack image of SDI?  
Can't see how to do it from the manual or the SDICHECK program.  There must be 
a way otherwise whats the point of making these backup files.

73 Frank VO1HP

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