[SD-User] RSGB AFS Contest

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Jan 6 12:39:20 PST 2012

The RSGB Affiliated Societies Contest takes place from
1400 to 1759 UTC on Sunday 8th January.  It is CW-only
on 80m - 3510 to 3590 kHz.

Rules at http://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2012/rafs.shtml

SD V15.56 supports AFS - www.ei5di.com.

     Select the "RSGB AFS" template.
     and CW as the mode.

UK stations work everyone.  Others work UK only.
Exchange serials - there are no multipliers.
Note that SD tracks new countries as if they were
multipliers - but does not count them as mults.

You may find that scores are not updated for a
few seconds after each QSO is logged. Don't worry,
the QSO has been logged immediately.  If this is
a problem, press Minus (with the cursor in the
empty callsign field) to get an instant update.

After the contest, use SDCHECK to prepare your
Cabrillo .LOG file - then upload it at

Please mention SD in your Cabrillo soapbox

Paul EI5DI

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