[SD-User] SDC.

brian coyne g4odv at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Mar 3 15:11:03 PST 2012

Thanks fellers for the responses.
I did the SD download but only explored the files, seeing no mention of the specific contests. You actually have to run the progam to see the changes.
Beware though because the new download overwrites all your other non freeware contests into 'Demo' mode so i will need to re-instal the old version again later.
I don't subscribe to the newer versions, not because I am a tight wad, (although some may disagree) but because I am a pc dumbo, the older versions are tried and tested. I cannot cope with bugs and problems on the hoof and as a serious contester do not wish to get hours into an event and have it all wasted, reliability is of the essence for me.
73  Brian 5B4AIZ.

--- On Sun, 4/3/12, Robert Dixon <robert at intco.biz> wrote:

From: Robert Dixon <robert at intco.biz>
Subject: Re: [SD-User] SDC.
To: "brian coyne" <g4odv at yahoo.co.uk>
Cc: sd-user at contesting.com
Date: Sunday, 4 March, 2012, 0:40

Take a look at http://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/sd.shtml

On 03/03/2012, brian coyne <g4odv at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> I have been to Pauls website but cannot find any mention of SDC which i wish
> to download.
> Paul did put a message out the other day which mentioned SDC but how do I
> get the download?
> 73  Brian 5B4AIZ.
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