[SD-User] RSGB 2nd 1.8MHz Contest

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Nov 13 12:00:23 EST 2014

This is a 4-hour event from 2100z Saturday 15th November.
It is single-op CW-only on 160m - 1810-1870kHz.

Rules at

SD V17.50 is free from ei5di.com

   Select the "RSGB 1.8 November" option.
     UK entrants, enter your district code on the
     opening screen.  Non-UK entrants - enter two

UK and EU stations work everyone.  Entrants outside EU
work UK and EU only.

Exchange Serials.  UK stations add their 2-character
district code.  SD lets you enter UK serials and district
codes as a single field (no space needed between fields).
Leading zeros are not required.

For example: 15LN, followed by Enter, is logged as 015 LN

UK stations should edit SD's exchange messages - F2, F4
F6 (using Shift-F2 etc) to include their district code.

Scoring is 2 points per QSO, and 5 bonus points for the
first QSO with each UK district and for the first QSO
with each non-UK country.

The Austrian 160m and Russian WW contests overlap with
this event. In each case "home" stations send a serial
and their own 2-character district codes.  When working
non-UK stations, SD normally logs the QSO after the serial.
To log non-UK district codes, you should press Tab (not
Enter) after the serial.  If you forget and log the QSO
too soon, use Up Arrow to edit the logged QSO - tab
across to the district code field.  Non-UK districts
do not score bonus points.

You should practice on a test file before the contest.

Upload your Cabrillo log from SDCHECK at

Please mention SD in your soapbox comments.

Paul EI5DI

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