[SD-User] SDX V19.13 problem?

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Aug 4 10:40:01 EDT 2017

SDX V19.13a is available for download from ei5di.com/sdxsetup.exe

The rig-control problems reported by ZS6KR have been fixed, and
the manual has been updated to include the SETUP (or CONFIG)
command which replaces the CWPORT and RIGPORT commands.

I don't have WinKey V10 here to test, but WinKey USB is working
as expected with V19.13a.

Paul EI5DI

On 02/08/2017 21:05, Hans wrote:
> Two observations:
> 1. SDX will not band control the radio with Bxx.
> but the radio does band control SDX.
> Also not with larger values of LINKtime and POLLtime.
> 2.  Once set up for CW with Caps ON and Winlog in control it works fine.
> Reverting to keyboard with Ctl there is no CW from the keyboard.
> Going back to Caps ON there is also no CW due to WK being disabled.
> I have to invoke WKON 2x to get that back to normal.
> I use an IBM T60 laptop with XP pro.
> Rigport=8 and Keyport=3 with all DTR and RTS = 0
> Winkey V10 is connected to USB input via an RS232 adapter.
> Hans ZS6KR

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