[SD-User] SD V21.47 Released

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Feb 9 09:57:41 EST 2021

V21.47  9 February 2021

PACC Contest - DX Entrants:
   Fixed the logging line formatting, and added pre-fill of
   PA districts. Thanks M0ITR.

   PACC.LST (Call History) and PACC.DTA (SCP) files are
   supplied - they're loaded automatically at startup.


SD is free from www.ei5di.com

When replacing an older version of SD , take care to "untick"
the box corresponding to "Create a desktop icon".  Otherwise
you may have to resize SD's window, and set other parameters
described in GETTING STARTED on page 3 of the manual SD.PDF.
In any case, these parameter must be set if you are running
Windows 10, and SD's display is an untidy mess.

Before any CW contest, check the Function Key memory playback,
and edit the parameters as necessary - it's not automatic for each
contest.  Use Shift-F1, F2 as appropriate to edit the parameters.

If you find bugs in V21.47, report them to sd-user (at)

Send your suggestions, comments, or questions to sd-user (at)
contesting.com, not to me directly.

Paul EI5DI

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