[SECC] This weekend's contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Thu Jun 17 17:08:19 EDT 2004

Hello all:

I am short of time today (Thursday).  Don't forget the NCCC Sprint 
tonight.  0340 to 0400Z.  Around 7040, 3540, 1820.  150 watts. 
Exchange:  QSO #, Name, SPC.  After the first QSO, give the name you 
just received rather than your own name.  Duplicate QSOs are OK after 
either station has made 3 QSOs.  QSY at least one khz after you have 
worked a station after a CQ.  20 wpm or less for first 10 mins. 
complete info at:  http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/ncccsprint.txt.

I will try to summarize the rules of the other contests for this weekend 


John, K4BAI.

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