[SECC] This Weekend's Contests
John Laney
k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Thu Feb 3 17:58:47 EST 2005
Hello all:
Preparing this summary for weeekends like this one is exhausting. Hope
contesting itself will be more fun.
1. Vermont QSO Party. 00Z Sat to 24Z Sun. CW, Ph, RTTY, Digital.
160-2M. Exchange: RS(T), Vt County, or SPC. (But see Mults info!)
Suggested Freq: CW: 40 khz up. Ph: first 25 khz of General Class
band frequencies, plus 28.3 to 28.5, plus 50.2, 144.2, 146.49, 146.55.
Multipliers: Counties in Vt, Me, NH plus Vt club stations. So,
apparently you can work stations in Vt, Me, and NH and they must give
you their counties. County list for all three states plus calls of Vt
club stations are on website. http://www.ranv.org/vtqso.html.
2. 10-10 International Winter SSB Contest. 0001Z Sat to 2359Z Sun.
28 SSB. (Avoid contest activity 28490 to 28510.) Exchange: Name +
10-10 member, if applicable. Non-members may participate. "QRP"
stations may run 10 watts. http://www.ten-ten.org/rules/html.
3. Minnesota QSO Party. 14Z to 24Z Sat. HF: CW/SSB/RTTY. VHF:
CW/FM/SSB. 160 - 2 M. Freq: CW up from 050. SSB: 1870, 3850, 7250,
14270, 21350, 28450. Try 160 M at and after 2330Z. Exchange: Name +
Minn County or SPC. List of county abbreviations available from
website. http://wb0tra.no-ip.org/mwa/mnqp/2005/mnqprule.html.
4. YLRL YL-OM Contest. 14Z Sat - 02Z Sun (24 hours max.) All bands,
CW. Exchange: QSO #, RST, ARRL Section or Province or Country. Power
multiplier 1.5 for 100 watts and under. For some reason, no station may
run over 750 watts CW. http://www.ylrl.org/ylcontests.html. Logs go to
the YLRL VP, our own Mary Moore, WX4MM.
5. FYBO Winter QRP Sprint. 16Z to 24Z Sat. 160 - 10 M. CW/SSB. See
below for suggested QRP frequencies. 5 W maximum power out. Exchange:
RS(T), SPC, Name, Power Out, Temperature at Operating Position. (I
think once you select a temperature, you stick with it.) Big bonus for
QSO with NQ7RP. Extra multipliers for portable in field, alaternate
power or under 1 watt, and also for certain low temperatures. There is
a warning not to freeze yourself for an extra multiplier! (Use common
sense.) http://www.azqrp.org/azqrp/FYBO2005.htm.
6. Delaware QSO Party. 17Z Sat to 05Z Sun and 13Z Sun to 01Z Mon. CW,
Phone, RTTY/Digital. 160-10M. CW: 1825 and up 50 khz. Ph: 1860,
3940, 7260, 14260, 21360, 28360. Exchange: RS(T) + Del County or SPC.
No multipliers! QSO points only. http://www.fsarc.org/qso.htm.
7. Mexico RTTY International Contest. 18Z Sat to 1759Z Sun. 80-10M
RTTY. Exchange: XE stations: RST + State. Others: RST + QSO #.
Work everyone, not just Mexican stations.
8. North American Sprint, SSB. 00 - 04Z Sun. 80-20 M SSB. Suggested:
3850, 7225, 14275. Exchange: Both calls, Serial #, Name, SPC. QSY
rule: 1 khz to call someone else, 5 khz to call CQ. Note new route
requested for logs and short deadline of 7 days.
9. QRPARCI Winter Fireside Sprint SSB. 20 - 24Z Sun. 160-6M SSB. See
below for suggested QRP frequencies. Exchange: $S + SPC + QRP ARCI #
or power output. Bonus points for all 3: portable, battery power, and
portable antenna.
10. January Spartan Sprint. Tuesday 02-04Z. QRP CW. 80-10M.
Exchange: RST + SPC + power output. Remember to put your SPC after
your call on the score page, e.g., K4BAI-GA. I suggested this to NA8M
and forgot to do it myself last month.
QRP suggested frequencies: 3560, 7040, 14060, 21060, 28060. 3865,
7225, 14285, 21385, 28385.
Hope everyone has a lot of fun and many QSOs this weekend. There will
be also the FOC Marathon running on CW for FOC members only 21Z Fri to
21Z Sun. Frequencies around 025 khz. on each band.
John, K4BAI.
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