[SECC] HQ Stations for IARU

ku8e at bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Thu Jul 12 13:59:28 EDT 2007

  I heard that the SECC (NQ4I) is on the list for W1AW/4 in one of the IARU contests in the upcoming future?  Is this true ??  I was wondering if the club has ever tried to get the NU1AW call ? Seems like if you ask early enough you might get it. This year they are doing NU1AW at K2LE/1. The just did NU1AW in 2004 and are doing it again. I know K3LR got do do NU1AW/3 the year after the did W1AW/3. I bet we would run up a big score from down in the southeast if we ever got it.

 Jeff KU8E

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