[SECC] Contesting with 100 watts and wires

Gordon greyeagl at bellsouth.net
Wed Jul 16 16:11:50 EDT 2008

Hear! Hear!  For my two cents worth, anybody can win with a 150 ft tower
with long john monobanders and a kilowatt!  All you have to do is stay in
the bloomin chair!  I've never had a problem being heard on the west (left)
coast.  As a matter of fact, several times I crashed the pileup for VP6DX
going over the top of the "California Kilowatts" to be answered on the first
call and was told on 160 CW that I was the loudest signal on the band (Now,
I know he was stretchin it a bit but that's what he said).  Kinda like that
lawyer feller on TV says, "One call, that's all."  NOT!   I am not on the
honor roll (yet) eitther but I'm working hard at it with over 170 confirmed.
Now, granted, the new TH3-MK4 is gonna help a bit once in the air about
40-50 ft or so.  Amplifier?  What the bleedin blazes is that?  Ladies n
gents, it's called perserverance and dedication and, when it finally pays
off in dividends, it is oh so much sweeter knowing that I did it (shades of
Frank Sinatra)"My Way".  I'm with you Dick!

J. Gordon Rowe - K4OD

> I don't normally espress an opinion, but somnething about Hal's comments
and Jeff's endorsement just created a reaction in me.  Sure, if you are out
to win the contest, no matter what it is, then high power and big antennas
are necessary.  If you are contesting for fun (what a concept, eh?), 100
watts and a dipole, which is the extent of my station, are perfectly
adequate. Sure, I do have some trouble being heard on the West Coast on 80,
but somehow or other I always manage to work a few stations out there, Dick,
K4XU comes to mind immediately (great ears and no doubt some receiving
gain.) Enough QSL's for Honor Roll (I'll get around to submitting one of
these days), DXCC Certificate says 320 (all with 100 W.) on the latest
label. The amp I used briefly was sold to a guy that needed more punch so he
could impress his friends with his studio quality audio. Pardon the rant, I
don't dust off the soap box too often!
> Dick  K2UFT
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