[SECC] re : OM2VL pics for GQP posted.

Jeffrey Clarke ku8e at bellsouth.net
Wed Apr 20 18:25:10 PDT 2011



There are lots of big contest club stations in Europe. Here are some that I
found surfing the net for some common contest calls. These guys are serious



Jeff KU8E




  RL3A  -  http://www.rk3awl.ru/index-e.php


DR1A - http://www.df0cg.de/en/


RU1A - http://www.ru1a.mirradio.ru/photogallery.php


OH8X - http://www.radioarcala.com/


RD3A - http://rd3af.com/?lng=en


HG1S - http://www.mttosz.t-online.hu/ANGOL/hg1s/hg1s.htm


TM6M - http://electrans.brest.free.fr/TM6M/?page_id=14


4O3A - http://www.4o3a.com/


DF0HQ - http://www.df0hq.de/


9A1A - http://www.eham.net/qslmgr/result?Callsign=9A1A


OM7M - http://www.gallery.om7m.org/


IR4M  - http://www.ir4m.it/


IR4T - http://hamgallery.com/gallery/I/ir4t3.htm


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