[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Wed May 18 08:34:18 PDT 2011

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  May CWT 13Z
W4NZ    38  38  1,444  SOHP  1.0  TN  TCG  SO2R
W4BQF   29  26    754  SOLP  _    GA

2.  May CWT  19z
K4AB    68  60  4,080  SOHP  1.0  AL  ACG

3.  May CWT  03Z
KU8E    73  53  4,869  SOHP  1.0  GA  SECC
K4BAI   73  47  3,431  SOHP  1.0  GA  SECC
W4NZ    65  52  3,380  SOHP  1.0  TN  TCG   SO2R

4.  FOC Bill Windle QSO Party
K4BAI    6          6  SOHP  0:13  GA  SECC
KU8E     _          _  SOHP  _     GA  SECC

5.  NCCC NS Ladder 5/13/11
K4BAI  47  28  1,316  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC
W4NZ   38  28    988  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG   SO2R

6.  CQ M International DX Contest
Call    CW Q  Ph Q  Mul  Score    Category     Time  St  Club
N4PN     321    56  110  193,936  SOSB/15MixHP 14    GA  SECC
N4NO     538     0   95  142,595  SOAB CW HP   16    AL  ACG
N4DU     301     0   90   75,960  SOAB CW HP    8    GA  SECC
K4BAI    325    29   68   66,232  SOAB CW HP    5:52 GA  SECC
N4UC     167     0   44   20,592  SOAB CW HP    4    AL  ACG
KU8E     100     0   30    7,890  SOSB/20 CWHP  2    GA  SECC
KA4NDY     1     0    1        3  SO QRP        _    AL  ACG

7.  VOLTA RTTY Contest
NN4MM  267  104  87,191,520  SOAB HP  11    AL  ACG
AA4YL  174   95  38,663,670  M/S  HP  __    AL  ACG  By:  AA4YL/KA4PKB
                                                      at W4HOD
W4UK   207   68  27,335,592  SOAB HP   8.5  SC  SECC

8.  May Flying Pigs Run For The Bacon
K4BAI  50  36  4,392  SO QRP  2.0  GA  SECC

This Week's Contests:

1.  Tonight local, 0030-0230Z Thursday.  May NAQCC QRP StraightKey/Bug 
Sprint.  80, 40, 20M CW.  Use mechanical key.  Max power: 5W.  Exchange: 
  RST, SPC, NAQCC# or power.

2.  Thursday.  No SNS or NS as far as I know. The NS Ladder event skips 
this week due to Dayton.  If other practices are announced, I will 
forward the announcement to the SECC and ACG reflectors.

3.  EU PSK DX Contest.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.  80-10M BPSK63.  100W max 
power.  Exchange:  RST + EU Area Code or QSO # for non EU stations.

4.  His Majesty King of Spain Contest, CW.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.  160-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  RST + EA Province or serial #.

5.  UN DX Contest.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.  160-10M CW, SSB.  Exchange: 
RS(T) + UN District Code or QSO# for non UN stations.

6.  Aegean RTTY Contest.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.  80-10M RTTY.  Exchange: 

7.  Baltic Contest.  21Z Sat to 02Z Sun.  80M CW, SSB.  Exchange:  RS(T) 
+ QSO#.

8.  UA2 QSO Party.  13Z-1659Z Sun.  80, 40, 20M CW.  Exchange:  RST + 
UA2 RDA or QSO# for non UA2 stations.

9.  May Straight Key Century Club Sprint (SKS).  00-02Z Wed (Tuesday 
night local).  160-10M CW.  Use mechanical key.  Exchange:  RST + Name + 
SPC + SKCC# or power.

10.  CWOps Club Mini CWT Contests.  One hour each beginning on Wed at 
13Z, 19Z and 03Z (Thursday).  80, 40, 20M CW.  Exchange:  Name + CWOps # 
or SPC for non members.

11.  Thursday night local (May 26), 0200-0220Z Friday.  SNS slow speed 
sprint practice.  100W maximum power.  26 WPM maximum speed.  80, 40, 
20M CW.  One kHz QSY rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC. 
0230-0259Z NCCC NS Ladder Series.  Same rules as SNS except add 160M 
band and no speed limit.

12.  CQ WPX CW 48 hours of weekend of May 28-29.  36 hours maximum time 
for single ops with off periods of one hour or more.  160-10M CW.  Extra 
points for DX QSOs on 160, 80, 40M.  Exchange:  RST + QSO#.  NQ4I will 
be M/M so try to work them on all bands.  I will be using PJ4A from 
Bonaire SO AB HP.  Dan Street and friends from FCG will be J79FCG from 
Dominica multi op.

Dick, K4IQJ, and I will be going down on May 24 to Bonaire and returning 
May 31.  We will use PJ4/home calls outside the contest.  During the 
contest, you may find Dick operating as PJ4/K4IQJ while I am in the 
contest as PJ4A. QSL my contacts including PJ4A via K4BAI and QSL Dick's 
QSOs to K4IQJ.

Hope to see many of you in Dayton this week.

I will try to get out a report next week from this weekend's contests, 
but I have covered upcoming contests for two weeks in case I have 
problems posting from Bonaire.  The ADSL line there isn't totally 
reliable yet.

For the weekday contests on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday next week, 
I may be QRV from Bonaire as PJ4/K4BAI.  Dick might also be in some of 
them as PJ4/K4IQJ.  We probably won't arrive and be set up in time for 
the Tuesday night SKS and I need to find a light weight hand key if I am 
to be in that one.

Hope everyone one has safe travels, a good couple of weeks, and a lot of 
QSOs.  Every QSO with PJ4A in CQ WPX CW will particularly be appreciated.

If you are not going to Dayton, remember the SEDXC meeting Thursday 
night in Atlanta.

73, John, K4BAI.

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