[SECC] Contest Live Cam from Dayton

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Wed May 18 10:50:36 PDT 2011

Thanks to the very hard work of Ben, AK2X and awesome support from Icom
America - North Coast Contesters are proud to host the Dayton Contest Cam -
live from the Contest hotel in downtown Dayton - the Crowne Plaza.

Live CAMming will start this evening and continue through Saturday night.
The CAM has an interactive text chat - so you can text the folks that you
see on the CAM and they can "talk" (there is audio on the CAM) back to you.
We expect guys will come up to the CAM and tell you about what is going on
at the Super Suite each night, CTU tomorrow, maybe the TopBand Dinner on
Friday night and we'll try and cover the Contest Dinner on Saturday night.
We'll move the CAM around to give you a feel of what is going on here. Hope
to do some interviews of guys here.

This is our first time trying this out, so it might be a little clunky,
please bear with us.

You can reach the CAM by going to anyone of the four Contesting website
front pages and clicking on the CLICK TO WATCH LIVE DAYTON CONTEST CAM.





We hope this new CAM helps bring some of the Dayton Contest experience to
all of those that cannot be here this weekend.

Very 73,
Tim K3LR

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