[SECC] May 16-23 Contest Calendar

Bruce Horn bhorn at hornucopia.com
Thu May 19 07:25:11 PDT 2011

                               THIS WEEK'S CONTESTS
                          Compiled by Bruce Horn, WA7BNM

                            May 16 - 23, 2011 Edition

The web versions of this weekly calendar and of the WA7BNM 13-Month 
Calendar can be found at: http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/  You 
can also access a text version of the 13-month calendar at: 

Please send corrections and additions directly to me. The 13-month 
web calendar is updated as new contest information is received. If 
you wish to unsubscribe, please notify me and you'll be immediately 
removed from the mailing list.

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)

This e-mail is divided into three sections:
- Details of this week's contests
- List of following week's contests
- Contest log submittal addresses and deadlines for recent contests


Run for the Bacon QRP Contest: 0100Z-0300Z, May 16
   Mode: CW
   Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
   Classes: Single Band
            All Band
   Max power: 5 watts
   Exchange: RST + (state/province/country) + (Member No./power)
   Work stations: Once per band
   QSO Points: 1 point per QSO with non-member
               3 points per QSO with member on same continent
               5 points per QSO with member on different continent
   Multipliers: Each state, province, or country once
                Multiply mults by 2 if >50 members worked
   Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
   Submit logs by: May 22, 2011
   E-mail logs to: (none)
   Upload log at: http://www.fpqrp.org/pigrun/autolog.php
   Mail logs to: (none)
   Find rules at: http://www.fpqrp.org/pigrun/

NAQCC Straight Key/Bug Sprint: 0030Z-0230Z, May 19
   Mode: CW
   Bands: 80, 40, 20m
   Classes: (none)
   Max power: 5 watts
   Exchange: RST + (state/province/country) + (NAQCC No./power)
   Work stations: Once per band
   QSO Points: 1 point per QSO with non-member
               2 points per QSO with member
   Multipliers: Each state, province, or country once
                Key Type Mult: 2x if straight key, 1.5x if bug, 1x if other
   Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults x 
key type mult
   Submit logs by: 2359Z May 22, 2011
   E-mail logs to: naqcc33[at]windstream[dot]net
   Upload log at: http://naqcc.n4lcd.com/sprintlog.html
   Mail logs to: John Shannon, K3WWP
                 478 E. High St.
                 Kittanning, PA 16201
   Find rules at: http://naqcc.info/sprint201105.html

RSGB 80m Club Championship, CW: 1900Z-2030Z, May 19
   Mode: CW
   Bands: 80m Only
   Classes: (none)
   Exchange: RST + Serial No.
   QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
   Multipliers: (none)
   Score Calculation: (see rules)
   Submit logs by: 2359Z May 26, 2011
   Upload log at: http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/hfenter.pl
   Mail logs to: (none)
   Find rules at: http://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2011/r80mcc.shtml

Feld Hell Sprint: 1500Z-1700Z, May 20 and 1800Z-2000Z, May 20
   Mode: Feld Hell
   Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
   Classes: (none)
   Max power: Standard: 100 watts
              QRP: 5 watts
   Exchange: (see rules)
   Work stations: Once per band
   QSO Points: (see rules)
               Bonus Points: (see rules)
   Multipliers: (see rules)
   Score Calculation: (see rules)
   Submit logs by: June 1, 2011
   E-mail logs to: (none)
   Post log summary at: http://sites.google.com/site/feldhellclub/Home/contests
   Mail logs to: (none)
   Find rules at: http://sites.google.com/site/feldhellclub/Home/contests

EU PSK DX Contest: 1200Z, May 21 to 1200Z, May 22
   Mode: BPSK63
   Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
   Classes: Single Op All Band (High/Low) (24h/12h)
            Single Op Single Band (High/Low)
            Multi-Single (Young/Old)
            Multi-Multi (Young/Old)
   Max power: HP: 100 watts
              LP: 10 watts
   Exchange: EU: RST + EU area code
             non-EU: RST + QSO No.
   QSO Points: 1 point per QSO with same country
               2 points per QSO with different country, same continent
               3 points per QSO with different continent
               non-EU Stations: 5 points per QSO with EU
   Multipliers: Each DXCC country once per band
                Each EU area code once per band
   Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
   Submit logs by: June 6, 2011
   E-mail logs to: ut7fp[at]srars[dot]org
   Mail logs to: (none)
   Find rules at: 

His Maj. King of Spain Contest, CW: 1200Z, May 21 to 1200Z, May 22
   Mode: CW
   Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
   Classes: Single Op All Band
            Single Op Single Band
   Exchange: EA: RST + province
             non-EA: RST + Serial No.
   Work stations: Once per band
   QSO Points: (see rules)
   Multipliers: Each EA province once per band
                Each EADX100 entity, except EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, once per band
   Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
   Submit logs by: June 10, 2011
   E-mail logs to: smreycw[at]ure[dot]es
   Mail logs to: URE HF Contests
                 P.O. Box 220
                 28080 Madrid
   Find rules at: 

UN DX Contest: 1200Z, May 21 to 1200Z, May 22
   Mode: CW, SSB
   Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
   Classes: Single Op (CW/SSB/Mixed)(Low/High)
            Single Op Single Band
            Multi-Op Single Transmitter
   Max power: HP: >100 watts
              LP: 100 watts
   Exchange: Kazakhstan: RS(T) + District Code
             non-Kazakhstan: RS(T) + QSO No.
   Work stations: Once per band per mode
   QSO Points: 2 points per QSO with same country
               3 points per QSO with different country, same continent
               5 points per QSO with different continent
               non-Kazakhstan: 10 points per QSO with Kazakhstan station
   Multipliers: Each KDA district once per band
                Each DXCC country once per band
   Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
   Submit logs by: June 23, 2011
   E-mail logs to: HF_KFRR[at]MAIL[dot]RU
   Mail logs to: UN DX Contest
                 P.O. Box 88
                 010000 Astana
   Find rules at: http://kw.cqun.kz/undxc-2011eng.html

Aegean RTTY Contest: 1200Z, May 21 to 1200Z, May 22
   Mode: RTTY
   Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
   Classes: Single Op
   Exchange: RST + QSO No.
   Work stations: Once per band
   QSO Points: (see rules)
   Multipliers: (none)
   Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points
   Submit logs by: June 15, 2011
   E-mail logs to: sv8cyr[at]gmail[dot]com
   Mail logs to: Aegean RTTY Contest
                 P.O. Box 04
                 83100 Samos Hellas
   Find rules at: http://www.aegeandxgroup.gr/Aegean-RTTY-Contesr.php

Baltic Contest: 2100Z, May 21 to 0200Z, May 22
   Mode: CW, SSB
   Bands: 80m Only
   Classes: Single Op CW/SSB
            Single Op CW
            Single Op SSB
   Exchange: RS(T) + Serial No.
   Work stations: Once per mode
   QSO Points: ES/YL/LY Stations: 1 point per QSO with EU
               ES/YL/LY Stations: 2 points per QSO with non-EU
               EU Stations: 10 points per QSO with ES/YL/LY
               EU Stations: 1 point per QSO with non-EU
               non-EU Stations: 20 points per QSO with ES/YL/LY
               non-EU Stations: 1 point per QSO with non-ES/YL/LY
   Multipliers: (none)
   Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points
   Submit logs by: July 1, 2011
   E-mail logs to: lrsf[at]lrsf[dot]lt
   Mail logs to: Baltic Contest
                 P.O. Box 210
   Find rules at: http://www.lrsf.lt/bcontest/english/rules_html.htm

UA2 QSO Party: 1300Z-1659Z, May 22
   Mode: CW, SSB
   Bands: 80, 40, 20m
   Classes: Single Op (CW/SSB/Mixed)
            Junior Multi-Single
   Exchange: UA2: RS(T) + RDA ID
             non-UA2: RS(T) + Serial No.
   Work stations: Once per band per mode
   QSO Points: 1 point per QSO with non-UA2 station
               5 points per QSO with UA2 station
   Multipliers: (none)
   Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points
   Submit logs by: June 22, 2011
   E-mail logs to: ua2ff[at]qrz[dot]ru
   Mail logs to: Dmitry Gorshkov
                 P.O. Box 73
                 Kaliningrad 236000
   Find rules at: http://www.qrz.ru/contest/detail/382.html

SKCC Sprint                                          0000Z-0200Z, May 25
CWops Mini-CWT Test                                  1300Z-1400Z, May 25
                                                        1900Z-2000Z, May 25
                                                        0300Z-0400Z, May 26
NCCC Sprint Ladder                                   0230Z-0300Z, May 27
CQ WW WPX Contest, CW                                0000Z, May 28 to 
2359Z, May 29
ARCI Hootowl Sprint                                  2000 local - 
2400 local, May 29
MI QRP Memorial Day CW Sprint                        2300Z, May 29 to 
0300Z, May 30

Please consult the individual contest rules to determine what log
documentation must be submitted (i.e. summary sheet, dupe sheets, etc.).

Ontario QSO Party:   May 18, 2011
   Upload log at:  http://www.va3cco.com/oqp/submitlog.htm
   Mail:  Contest Club Ontario
          P.O. Box 93149
          Burlington, Ontario L7M 4A3
   Find rules at: http://www.va3cco.com/oqp/rules.htm

Araucaria VHF Contest:   May 18, 2011
   E-mail:  log[at]avhfc[dot]com
   Mail:  (none)
   Find rules at: http://www.avhfc.com/rules/avhfc_ee.pdf

RSGB 80m Club Championship, Data:   May 18, 2011
   Upload log at:  http://www.vhfcc.org/cgi-bin/hfenter.pl
   Mail:  (none)
   Find rules at: http://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2011/r80mcc.shtml

ES Open HF Championship:   May 20, 2011
   E-mail:  esopen[at]erau[dot]ee
   Mail:  Toomas Soomets, ES5RY
          P O Box 177
          Tartu 50002
   Find rules at: http://www.erau.ee/index.php?Itemid=94

FOC QSO Party:   May 21, 2011
   E-mail summary:  KZ5D[at]aol[dot]com
   Mail:  (none)
   Find rules at: http://g4foc.org/index.php?id=57

Run for the Bacon QRP Contest:   May 22, 2011
   E-mail:  (none)
   Upload log at:  http://www.fpqrp.org/pigrun/autolog.php
   Mail:  (none)
   Find rules at: http://www.fpqrp.org/pigrun/

NAQCC Straight Key/Bug Sprint:   May 22, 2011
   E-mail:  naqcc33[at]windstream[dot]net
   Upload log at:  http://naqcc.n4lcd.com/sprintlog.html
   Mail:  John Shannon, K3WWP
          478 E. High St.
          Kittanning, PA 16201
   Find rules at: http://naqcc.info/sprint201105.html

10-10 Int. Spring Contest, CW:   May 23, 2011
   E-mail:  tentencontest[at]roadrunner[dot]com
   Mail:  Dan Morris, KZ3T
          131 Valencia Lane
          Statesville, NC 28625
   Find rules at: http://www.ten-ten.org/Forms/QSOPartyRules_082710.pdf

Microwave Spring Sprint:   May 23, 2011
   E-mail:  springsprintlogs[at]gmail[dot]com
   Mail:  2011 Spring Sprints
          c/o Chuck Towner, W9KQJ
          PO BOX 73
          PALATINE, IL  60078-0073
   Find rules at: 

QRP to the Field:   May 23, 2011
   E-mail:  na5n[at]zianet[dot]com
   Mail:  Paul Harden, NA5N
          QRPTTF 2008
          P.O. Box 757
          Socorro, NM 87801
   Find rules at: http://www.zianet.com/qrp/QRPTTF/ttf.html

SP DX RTTY Contest:   May 24, 2011
   E-mail:  sprtty[at]pzk[dot]org[dot]pl
   Mail:  (none)
   Find rules at: http://www.pkrvg.org/zbior.html

Low Power Spring Sprint:   May 25, 2011
   E-mail:  om3kfv[at]zoznam[dot]sk
   Mail:  Radioklub OM3KFV
          P.O.Box  3
          038 61 Vrutky
   Find rules at: 

VK/Trans-Tasman 80m Contest, Phone:   May 28, 2011
   E-mail:  vktasman[at]hotmail[dot]com
   Mail:  VK/trans-Tasman Contest
          P.O. Box 21-363
          Christchurch 8143
          New Zealand
   Find rules at: http://home.iprimus.com.au/vktasman/RULES.HTM

International Vintage Contest HF:   May 30, 2011
   E-mail:  iv3ehh[at]iv3ehh[dot]it
   Mail:  (none)
   Find rules at: http://www.beepworld.it/members/contestvintage/rules.htm

Florida QSO Party:   May 31, 2011
   E-mail:  logs[at]floridaqsoparty[dot]org
   Mail:  Florida QSO Party
          c/o Ron Wetjen, WD4AHZ
          5362 Castleman Dr.
          Sarasota, FL 34232
   Find rules at: http://www.floridaqsoparty.org/rules.html

MIE 33 Contest:   May 31, 2011
   E-mail:  je2mde[at]jarl[dot]com
   Mail:  JARL Mie Branch
          c/o T.Tomioka
          2033 Hekicho
          Tsu, Mie 514-1138
   Find rules at: http://www.ztv.ne.jp/isoda/33/annual/34/34rule-e.html

CQ Manchester Mineira DX Contest:   May 31, 2011
   E-mail:  cwjf[at]cqmmdx[dot]com
   Mail:  CWJF Group
          P.O. Box 410
          Juiz de Fora - MG 36001-970
   Find rules at: http://www.powerline.com.br/cwjf/Regulamento_Ing.pdf

50 MHz Spring Sprint:   May 31, 2011
   E-mail:  springsprintlogs[at]gmail[dot]com
   Mail:  2011 Spring Sprints
          c/o Chuck Towner, W9KQJ
          PO BOX 73
          PALATINE, IL  60078-0073
   Find rules at: 

Holyland DX Contest:   May 31, 2011
   E-mail:  4Z4KX[at]iarc[dot]org
   Mail:  Contest Manager 4Z4KX
          Israel Amateur Radio Club
          Box 17600
          Tel Aviv 61176
   Find rules at: 

Nebraska QSO Party:   May 31, 2011
   E-mail:  nqp[at]hdxa[dot]net
   Mail:  HDXA NQP
          P.O. Box 375
          Elkhorn, NE 68022-0375
   Find rules at: http://www.hdxa.net/neqso/neqso.htm

AGCW QRP/QRP Party:   May 31, 2011
   E-mail:  qrp-party[at]agcw[dot]de
   Mail:  Manager
          Jo (Juergen) Mertens, DJ4EY
          Am Muehlenbruch 32
          D-59581 Warstein
   Find rules at: http://www.agcw.org/en/?Contests:QRP-QRP-Party

BARTG Sprint 75:   June 1, 2011
   E-mail:  logs[at]bartg[dot]org[dot]uk
   Mail:  (none)
   Find rules at: 

South Dakota QSO Party:   June 1, 2011
   E-mail:  SDQP[at]kd0s[dot]com
   Mail:  (none)
   Find rules at: 

Slobozhansky Sprint Contest:   June 4, 2011
   E-mail:  ut0lwr[at]ukr[dot]net
   Mail:  Nick Panchenko (UX7LQ)
          P.O. Box 2373
          Kharkiv-1, 61001
   Find rules at: http://tdr.at.ua/index/polozhenie_2011_g/0-13

WAB LF Phone:   June 5, 2011
   E-mail:  aebbooks[at]ntlworld[dot]com
   Mail:  Tony Beardsley, G3XKT
          14 York Avenue
          Sandiacre, Nottingham NG10 5HB
          United Kingdom
   Find rules at: http://wab.intermip.net/Contest%20Rules.php#OtherRules

7th Call Area QSO Party:   June 5, 2011
   E-mail:  7qplogs[at]codxc[dot]org
   Mail:  7th Call Area QSO Party
          c/o CODXC
          61255 Ferguson Rd
          Bend, OR 97702
   Find rules at: http://www.codxc.com/new/Page.asp?Content=DRYLAND7S&Page=3

New England QSO Party:   June 7, 2011
   E-mail:  logs[at]neqp[dot]org
   Mail:  NEQP
          PO Box J
          West Suffield, CT 06093
   Find rules at: http://www.neqp.org/rules.html

ARI International DX Contest:   June 7, 2011
   E-mail:  aricontest[at]kkn[dot]net
   Mail:  (none)
   Find rules at: 

FISTS Spring Sprint:   June 13, 2011
   E-mail:  wa1lad[at]cox[dot]net
   Mail:  Gil Woodside, WA1LAD
          30 Hilltop Ave.
          West Warwick, RI 02893-2825
   Find rules at: http://www.fists.org/sprints.html

Indiana QSO Party:   June 15, 2011
   E-mail:  inqp[at]hdxcc[dot]org
   Mail:  HDXCC
          c/o Mike Goode, N9NS
          10340 Broadway
          Indianapolis, IN 46280-1344
   Find rules at: http://www.hdxcc.org/inqp/rules.html

Nevada Mustang Roundup:   June 15, 2011
   E-mail:  logs[at]nvqsoparty[dot]info
   Mail:  Nevada QSO Party
          2420 Palora Avenue
          Las Vegas, Nevada 89121-2157
   Find rules at: http://www.nvqsoparty.info/nevada-mustang-round-up.html

CQ-M International DX Contest:   June 16, 2011
   E-mail:  CQM[at]SRR[dot]RU
          P.O. BOX 25464
          KRASNOYARSK 660049
   Find rules at: http://www.srr.ru/CONTEST/cq_m_11_eng.php

EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party:   June 30, 2011
   E-mail:  eucwfp[at]agcw[dot]de
   Mail:  Werner Jochem, DK7VW
          Wendelsborn 34
          D-66606 St.Wendel
   Find rules at: http://www.agcw.org/eucw/eucwp.html

VOLTA WW RTTY Contest:   June 30, 2011
   E-mail:  log2011[at]contestvolta[dot]it
   Mail:  (none)
   Find rules at: http://www.contestvolta.com/volta45th.pdf

SBMS 2 GHz and Up WW Club Contest:   July 1, 2011
   E-mail:  (none)
   Mail:  William A. Burns, WA6QYR
          247 Rebel Road
          Ridgecrest, CA 93555
   Find rules at: http://www.ham-radio.com/sbms/2011_2ghz-up_test.pdf

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