[SECC] YARC Youth Contesting Program

Bruce Yang bruceyang1998 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 14:51:44 EST 2019



I would like to introduce everyone to the brand-new Young Amateurs Radio
Club Youth Contesting Program. This will be a perfect opportunity for you,
the seasoned contester, to elmer youth operators and develop the next
generation of contesters. 


"YARC's Youth Contesting Program (YCP) is a weekend program for groups of
young amateur radio contesters throughout the US and Canada to meet up at a
nearby-as-possible 'big gun stations' during the 2019 CQ World-Wide WPX
Contest taking place 30-31 March 2019. It will hopefully enable a new
dimension of the hobby to young hams who have contested a little before, and
set a new precedent for the welcoming of a new generation of radiosport


"It works like this - we will attempt to pair a small group (up to 4) of
young contesters interested in operating with a 'big gun' station owner
interested in hosting the youth group. The contesters will operate from the
station, and the host has the option to help the youth improve their skills,
provide advice, and even operate alongside. We will try to keep it such that
young hams will only require a relatively short drive (ideally no more than
5 hours) to keep travel costs low. As such, this will require the
participation of as many operators and hosts as possible, but it might so
happen that a valid match may not exist. We will try our best and work to
make this a better program in the future!


"YARC YCP is inspired by the efforts of YOTA's YCP
(https://www.ham-yota.com/youth-contesting-program/), as well as Team
Exuberance (https://www.gofundme.com/team-exuberance) and we hope to inspire
a big chunk of young hams into becoming the greatest contesters of the 21st


To submit your interest to the YARC Youth Contesting Program (YCP) fill out
the form here: https://yarc.world/ycp/, or send an email to YCP at yarc.world
<mailto:YCP at yarc.world>  with your location, contact information, and what
level of competition you can support; SO, MS, M2, or MM. 



Bruce Yang, KN8U/BH4EPL


Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club, W4AQL 

Board Member

Young Amateurs Radio Club, WY4RC


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