[SECC] Unbelievable 10 meter Contest Conditions!!

Ben Coleman NJ8J nj8j at benshome.net
Sat Dec 12 01:20:16 EST 2020

On 12/12/2020 12:36 AM, Jeff Clarke wrote:
> Getting ready to shutdown for the night. It's 12:30 AM.
> Unbelievable conditions on 10 meters tonight !

Indeed!  It's been a long time since I last operated ARRL 10 (last time 
was 2006), but I really didn't expect for the band to still be open 
closing on midnight.  No DX here, but it seemed like we had a straight 
shot into New England.  This is already my best ARRL 10 score.

Ben Coleman nj8j at benshome.net
  "I love the way Microsoft follows standards.  In much the
same manner that fish follow migrating caribou."
                                             Paul Tomblin

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