[SECC] SECC and Zoom Meetings

Neal Sulmeyer Neal at K4EA.NET
Wed Dec 23 08:15:06 EST 2020


On Mon, 12/21/2020 02:28 PM, Jeff Clarke <ku8e at ku8e.com> wrote:
I'm wondering if there's someone in the club would be interested in 
> being in charge of organizing some Zoom meetings for the SECC. Your job 
> would be to find people who have something interesting to speak about, 
> setup the Zoom meeting and be the person who moderates it. For the SECC 
> to be successful we need someone other than the President (me) to be 
> involved in running club activities like this. I did a presentation on 
> the PJ4A station (via Zoom) to the Central Arizona DX Club back earlier 
> this month. I would be happy to give this same presentation to the SECC 
> as well. I know we have many members in this club that are very 
> accomplished and knowledgeable about subjects that would be very good 
> candidates for a presentation. You don't even need to be an expert in 
> anything to give a presentation. If you just have something interesting 
> to talk about related to contesting that would work too. We haven't had 
> a club meeting in a long time and this might also be the vehicle to have 
> a yearly club meeting online. Zoom is the perfect application for a club 
> like SECC which has never been into having in-person meetings. Send me 
> an email if you're interested on taking this on.
> Jeff KU8E
> SECC President
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