[SECC] Club Officers

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Nov 13 10:33:54 EST 2020

I have created a problem by not calling for officer elections of SECC 
for a number of years.  I didn't think there was anyone who would agree 
to be president after I got turned down by several of the more active 
members.  Now, I can propose a new slate of officers.

President, Jeff, KU8E

Vice President, Randy, W8FN

Secretary, Chaz, W4GKF

Treasurer, John, K4BAI.

Dont't worry that there is a tresurer, there are still no dues. 
Occasionally we take voluntary contributions to sponsor plaques or for 
other purposes, like supporting WRTCs, etc.

Please respond if it is agreeable for these officers, all who have 
expressed a willingness to serve, can be elected by for the period now 
through June 30, 2022.  I don't think it would be fair to elect them for 
just part of a year (through June 30,, 2021). You may submit your 
replies privately to me and not use "reply all" and I will summarize the 
results for the reflector.

Thanks and 73, John, K4BAI

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