[SECC] Further Explanation of QTC in WAE RTTY from K5ZD

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Nov 13 10:38:51 EST 2020

WAE RTTY is different and interesting because anyone can send or receive QTCs.  The only requirement is the station you ae exchanging with be on a different continent.  You can only send or receive up to  a total of 10 with any station.

RTTY is also different in that most people send the full 10 QTCs in one transmission.  There can be a lot of stress trying to get everything logged correctly if QRM or QSB wipes out some of the QTCs in the middle of the transmission.  You get good at telling the sending to repeat nr 5 or nr 8.

Will be looking for our European friends this weekend.


Randy K5ZD

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest<cq-contest-bounces+k5zd=outlook.com at contesting.com>  On Behalf Of PY2NY
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 6:19 PM
To: CQ Contest<cq-contest at contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WAEDC RTTY

Hi, good evening

WAE Dx Contest RTTY is coming, and you can TX or RX 'QTC' with everybody (*not only EU*) for RTTY part.

I wrote this note trying to have more people involved in QTC traffic. Even if you are not comfortable while receiving QTC, it's possible and easier to send them.

Well, sorry to talk about and welcome to WAE RTTY, with or without QTC.

73 DX.
PY2NY / SP9NY / V26NY  - Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santoshttp://military-jeep-brasil.blogspot.com.br/
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