[SECC] Thank You

Jeff Clarke ku8e at ku8e.com
Fri Nov 13 15:23:21 EST 2020

Thanks to those who donated to the Georgia QSO Party webpage. Our yearly 
cost is presently $71.39 per year for web hosting at QTH.com. We will 
also be moving the SECC webpage to QTH.com in the near future. The new 
URL for SECC will be southeastcontestclub.com when we activate it. Both 
the GQP and SECC webpages will be on the same QTH.com account since we 
are allowed 4 domain names for the plan we are on. That will add $12 to 
our hosting cost so the yearly cost for both gaqsoparty.com and 
southeastcontestclub.com will be $83.39 per year.

I have $59 left in my PayPal account from donations to pay for next 
years hosting cost which will be due in October 2021. If anyone wants to 
donate please go to the GQP webpage at https://gaqsoparty.com/ . That 
money will be used to pay for both the GQP and SECC web hosting. If you 
don't want to  donate using PayPal you can send a donation to K4BAI.

The reason we are moving the SECC webpage is we want a contingency plan 
(like the W4AN club trustee) in case anything would happen to any of us. 
Right now both K4BAI and W4GKF have the information on our QTH.com 
account as a backup to me. I want to personally thank Chaz, W4GKF for 
hosting both the SECC and GQP webpages on his personal web server for 
many years. I would like the new SECC webpage to be written in 
WordPress. If anyone has experience in creating WordPress webpages 
please step forward and volunteer. Otherwise I will have to do it. 
Thanks again.

Jeff KU8E

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