[SECC] K4BAI Claimed Score 2020 ARRL November Sweepstakes Phone

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Sun Nov 22 22:56:19 EST 2020

                     ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB - 2020

Call: K4BAI
Operator(s): K4BAI
Station: K4BAI

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 20:11

  Band  QSOs
    80:  384
    40:  301
    20:  520
    15:   19
Total: 1224  Sections = 84  Total Score = 205,632

Club: South East Contest Club


Lots of fun.  We went to a concert on Saturday night and to church on Sunday and
I slept about 4 hours.  So rest of the time, was running mostly and some
S&P.  The bands were quite good.  Sunday AM saw some E skip on 15 and 10 to
the north and north east.  There were some E signals on 10M too, but none in the
contest that I heard, so didn't change to that band.  The low bands had very
little QRN.  Skip was generally pretty good and was able to work close in
stations on 20 and 40 much of the time and I didn't notice any long skip on 80

Mults are always interesting these days.  Thanks to VY2WW for my last section.
I didn't hear any other VY stations. And thanks to a very weak VO2AC who called
me for my only NL mult.  Had two VY1 stations call me on 20M Saturday afternoon.
  Probably worked more than one station in every other section except Puerto Rico
where WP3R was the only one.  Several Hawaii.  Two Alaska called me about the
same time the VY1s did.  Two from VI.  Only two low numbers from VE1 stations.
Wish the Maratime DX or Contest group would get behind getting their rare
sections available in the SS contests.

The new zepp failed after just a few QSOs, so it wasn't a factor.  Glad I had
shortened the 80M inv vee to resonate on the phone band.  TS590SG, Elecraft
KPA1500, TH6DXX, 40M dipole, 80M inverted vee.  Two new hearing aids that seem
to be a big improvement on the old ones, although I don't think they help much.
I can still hear pretty well without them while using headphone, but kept them
on just in case it helped.  No screeching from the hearing aids as far as I
could tell.  The J key on the new computer keyboard stuck in the last hour of
the contest, but it still worked, just didn't feel right to the touch.

Hope to work most of you in the CQ WW DX Contest CW next weekend,  I will be
operating as PJ4A on 40M single band remotely.  When 40 is dead and I am
sleeping in the middle of the day, Jeff, KU8E, will be QRV on the higher bands
as PJ4/KU8E to give out the mult on those bands.  73, John, K4BAI.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at:http://www.3830scores.com/

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