Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Mon Nov 23 20:20:07 EST 2020

                   ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB - 2020

Call: AA4LR
Operator(s): AA4LR
Station: AA4LR

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Georgia
Operating Time (hrs): 8.5

Band  QSOs
  80:   78
  40:   43
  20:   73
  15:   36
Total:  230  Sections = 66  Total Score = 30,360

Club: South East Contest Club


80/40/20m trap dipole at 10m high
160/80/40m trap inverted-J with two radials

Elecraft K2/100 w/KAT100 running 100 watts
K1KP-stle voice keyer (1 message)


SS Phone was the first contest that really got me hooked, and I really enjoyed operating this time.

Just a casual operation from the Fulton County QTH. It was a bit of a struggle Saturday night given the crummy antennas. I kept getting beat out and it seemed like no one could hear me. So I switched off after about 14 Qs and and came back Sunday afternoon. 

Had a problem with the K2. I had installed a K60XV option earlier in the month. For some reason, after the K2 is left on for a while, something weird happens, and the radio AGC activates with full S-meter indication and no audio. This is intermittent, but almost continuous. I found the radio doing this when I went to operate Sunday afternoon. It was happening on all bands, except for TRN1 band set up for 50 MHz. This made no sense. I suspected that the K60XV might be somehow involved. 

10 screws later, the KPA100 comes off the top of the rig, and I pulled the K60XV. I replaced it with a re-work eliminators boards and tried it. Bingo, the radio now works properly. I operated the next several hours with the K60XV hanging out the back of the rig, and about six screws holding the KPA100 on.

Radio would fine that way.

Had another issue with the K1KP voice keyer. At some point, I went to call someone, and the VOX wouldn't trip. I tried another headset, but no joy. Then I removed the voice keyer and things worked again. I think there's bad connection in the voice keyer. Operated the whole contest without using it

Things Sunday were considerably easier. The Inverted-J worked OK on 15m and 20m, but the dipole seemed better on 80, 40 and 20m. Conditions seemed pretty good. Operating with virtually all S & P until around 0055z on 80m, I got a clear frequency and had a pretty good run for almost 20 minutes. Funnest moment was having my brother NJ8J call in with a higher QSO number. 

I only missed five states - AK, MS, OK, WY and FL. Can you believe it, I missed FL. Heard VY2MM with a HUGE pileup at one point.

Good time with SS Phone. Perhaps I'll have some real antennas next time.

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Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Web: http://boringhamradiopart.blogspot.com
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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