[SECC] Fwd: SS SSB N4TOL Single Op QRP

iam4rb at aol.com iam4rb at aol.com
Mon Nov 23 22:39:38 EST 2020

                    ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB - 2020

Call: N4TOL
Operator(s): N4TOL
Station: N4TOL

Class: Single Op QRP
QTH: Georgia

 Band  QSOs
  80:  64
  40:  75
  20:  56
  15:  37
Total:  232  Sections = 73  Total Score = 33,872

Club: South East Contest Club


Icom IC-703 @ 5 watts
OCF wire
Heil ProSetN3FJP
QRP a challenge for this one, but still running this "new" old rig to see how it plays.  Also, it was the first real test for the recently repaired OCF which lost a leg in the storm last month due to 2 fallen trees.  The antenna did OK, but can't afford to lose more trees as they provide cover in the HOA and are my antenna mounts.
Worked 47 states, heard LA and UT but not worked, and nothing from AK.
It was nice to have action on 4 bands with 15 being great to west coast and HI.
73 John N4TOL

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/
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