[SECC] FTdx5000MP

Courtney Judd k4wi at k4wi.net
Fri Jan 1 09:34:01 EST 2021

This is mainly for those of the group that use the ft5000. I stumbled 
onto this u-tube site of Doug N4HNH and his videos of the Ft5000. WOW is 
all I can say! I thought I knew this radio but I learned a whole bunch 
of tips that really made a difference.... well worth the time to watch 
and see if any changes might of benefit to you. I made a lot of changes 
in my set up and came up with some real improvements! Google N4HNH 
u-tube channel and see if you find anything interesting!

Happy New Year everyone! See you all in the contests and DXing! I will 
be in all contests that don't permit digi to be competing directly with 
CW/SSB/RTTY. Made my first contact of 2021 this morning.... F8 on 20 
RTTY.... good way to start the year! 73's Cort K4WI
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