[SECC] Log4OM and N1MM

Kevan Nason knason00 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 10:54:52 EST 2021

Talk on another club's reflector about general logging programs made me
take a fresh look at the one I've used for several years -- Log4OM. Haven't
looked at it in a long time. There is now a Version 2 out. One post contest
task when using N1MM is to export an ADIF file and then upload it to LOTW,
ClubLog, QTH.com or such. Not hard to do, but you do have to remember to do

I discovered Log4OM can interface with N1MM so that every q you enter into
N1MM is broadcast via UDP to Log4OM and automatically entered into the
General Logging program. Furthermore, Log4OM can then automatically upload
things into LOTW, ClubLog, etc for you. It took less than five minutes to
set up the link between the two programs using the Log4OM user manual.

There is a bit of info on the CQ-Contest reflector from a thread started by
K0HB about radio polling conflicts between Log4OM and N1MM, but it is an
easy work around. That thread popped up in a Google search with Log4OM and
N1MM as keywords.

Log4OM also has an interesting propagation map using current solar data
that looks like it might be a good replacement for IonoProbe now that
IonoProbe doesn't automatically get solar data automatically anymore. Just
started playing with that.

Kevan N4XL
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