[SECC] Team Compeition in Upcoming NAQP and NA Sprint Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Sat Jan 2 14:26:48 EST 2021

Hello all:  Beginning next weekend, we will have a series of contests in 
which teams of two to five members may be entered. KU8E and/or I will be 
getting up teams.  We appreciate your letting us know of your interest 
in being on one or several or all of the team.  We will announce the 
teams and register the teams before the contests start.  The Sprint 
competition teams may be entered under the South East Sprint Coalition 

Check your calendars.

Jan 8 1800Z to Jan 9 0600Z.  NAQP CW.  Operate up to 10 out of the 12 
hours if single op.  Max power is 100W.  No use of packet spots.  If you 
use spots you cannot be on a beam and will be classified as multi op or 
assisted.  160-10M.  Mults count per band.

Jan 16-17  NAQP SSB.  Same as CW except this mode is held one week later.

Feb 27-28.  NAQP RTTY.  Same as above for CW and SSB except for dates.

NA Sprints are four hours with legal limit power permitted. There is a 
QSY rule of 5 kHz to call CQ again or one kHz to call another station.  
CW is 2300Z Feb 6 to 0300Z Feb 7.  RTTY is 2300 March 13 to 0300Z March 
14.  SSB is 0000Z to 0400Z April 4.  (This is from the WA7BNM contest 
calendar and follows last year's dates.  The webpage for NA Sprint SSB 
is not yet updated for the 2021 dates.

Please let me know about your interest in NAQP teams and let KU8E know 
about your interest in NA Sprint teams.  Let us know what power you 
expect to run and about how much time you can put in.

More details later, but know that we want you on our teams if you are 
not otherwise committed.

73, John, K4BAI.

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