[SECC] K4BAI Will be a QRP Fox in the QRP Fox Hunt Tonight (UCT Date /18/21)

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Thu Jan 7 14:50:17 EST 2021

Hello all:

I am looking forward to being one of your QRP foxes on 80M tonight in 
the USA.  0200-0330Z January 8, 2021.  The other fox will be K2ZN, AL, 
NY.  The two of us will be calling somewhere between 3550 and 3570 kHz 
to give out as many pelts as conditions and skill will permit.  The 
exchange is, as always, RST, SPC, Name, Power.  Power must be no more 
than 5W.  You may work only the two foxes and may not spot their 

I have my K2 back after enhancement and intend to use it for most of the 
QRP events, but am not familiar enough with split operation yet to use 
it tonight.  So, I will use my TS590SG at 5W.  Antennas are an inverted 
vee coax fed dipole with apex about 50' that seems to favor west and an 
88' center fed zepp up abput 45' that seems to favor north.  (I know it 
is too short for best results on 80M, but it seems to work like 
gangbusters.)  I will switch back and forth between those two antennas, 
likely favoring the zepp at the start and the inverted vee later on.

I will start off split listening up about 1 to 1 1/2 kHz.  I will 
indicate this by sending "UP" after my call.  After the pileup dies 
down, I will stop sending "UP" and you may call near my transmit frequency.

I hope to work many of you on 80M tonight.  Good hunting!  73/72, John, 

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