[SECC] CW speed and N1MM

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Sat Jan 9 08:08:12 EST 2021

Many thanks for those suggestions, Kevan.  I don't believe that is 
possible using the Winkeyer that I use with N1MM+ here.  Not sure 
whether I would prefer the other way. Think that is the way it was 
before I got the Winkeyer and was using an old MFJ Memory Keyer. Hope 
you will be QRV today also.  73, John.

On 1/9/2021 6:43 AM, Kevan Nason wrote:
> Have a great time in NAQP CW today.
> Don't forget a quick way to change CW speed up or down when using a 
> keyboard in N1MM is to use the Page UP/Dn keys. By default that is a 2 
> wpm change in speed each time you hit a key. You can change the 
> default step size to whatever you want though.
> I often use those to match speed with slower/faster stations when S&P 
> or to slow down when a station has trouble copying me while running. 
> Two quick taps and I'm 4 wpm slower. Two more while the TU message is 
> playing and back up to speed.Or for speed demons like Jeff I have to 
> bump it up and then back down!
> Don't know if others have the capability, but microHAM devices allow 
> the CW speed pot on their interface units to control paddle speed 
> independently from N1MM's CW speed. You can have N1MM at 32 WPM and 
> the paddles going at 24 if you want.
> Kevan N4XL
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