[SECC] Hamcation QSO Party

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Mon Jan 11 18:47:09 EST 2021



The HAMCATION QSO PARTY has been organized to create a fun way for 
amateurs to

celebrate the Orlando HamCation experience over the air. The QSO party 
will replicate

the camaraderie and social experience of attending HamCation and provide 
a way to

have fun on the radio since HamCation 2021 will not be held due to Covid-19.

The HAMCATION QSO PARTY will be a 12-hour QSO Party on the HamCation 
weekend of

February 13, 2021 from 10:00 am EST Saturday to 10:00 pm EST Saturday. 
It will be a

CW and SSB on-the-air operating event on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 Meters, 
during which

anyone can work anyone!

Categories will be High Power (more than 100W output), Low Power (100W 
output or

less) and QRP (5W output or less). All participants will be single 
operators, as there is

no multi-operator category.

Information exchanged during a QSO will be NAME, STATE/PROVINCE or 

the outside temperature at your QTH. We are including temperature at 
your QTH as a

way of highlighting Orlando’s mild February weather.

There will be special event stations to heighten the fun and challenge 
of participating in

the QSO party. Nine Special Event 1x1 stations will be active that will 
spell out

“HAMCATION”, such as K4H, W4A, K4M, etc.

Scoring and Reporting:

 Each QSO will count 1 point. Stations may be worked once on each band 
and mode.

 All entrants will report their scores on www.3830Scores.com.

 Submitting of logs is not required, nor will they be collected. Final 
results will be

based on the information submitted to 3838Scores.com

 Guests operating at a station must use their own callsigns and submit 
their scores


 A copy of the HAMCATION QSO PARTY rules may be found at 
www.HamCation.com <http://www.HamCation.com>

Plaques and Certificates:

 Icom-sponsored Plaques will be issued to the top winner in each Category.

 All Participants who work all nine of the 1x1 HAMCATION stations will 
be able to

download an Icom-sponsored certificate for this special achievement.

 All participants will be able to download an Icom-sponsored 
certificate for their

participation in this historic event.

Groups.io Links:

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