[SECC] Donations for Dan Street's Medical Bills

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Mon Jan 11 22:09:11 EST 2021

Good Evening All,

I had a long conversation with Dan today. Among many other topics, we 
discussed the status of the donations that the club has received for 
him. The money that we've received through 12/31/2020 has been separated 
out and accounted for in our club bank account, and we're transferring 
money to Dan on a regular basis, with provision for additional transfers 
if/when he has larger bills.

One of the things that we've discussed is whether the FCG continuing to 
be a middleman on future donations offers any benefit. As FCG is not a 
501(c)3 organization, there is no tax benefit to donors. We were glad to 
step in when the rate of donations was high so that we could handle 
acknowledging donations, depositing checks, etc., but as you can imagine 
the pace of continued donations has slowed now.

Accordingly, with Dan's agreement, we've decided as of January 1, 2021 
that further donations to Dan can go directly to him. Checks made 
payable to Dan Street can go to his call book address; he can also 
receive PayPal donations to k1to at aol.com <mailto:k1to at aol.com>.

I'm sure we will continue to receive occasional donations to Dan in the 
coming weeks and months, and that's OK. It's my intention that we 
forward PayPal donations to him, but rather than going through the 
gyrations to deposit a check, then forward a club check to Dan we'll 
notify the senders when we receive a check, then shred the check.

If you and your family are thinking of contributing some money to Dan to 
assist in his recovery from his tower accident, please know that it is 
most sincerely appreciated, both by Dan and by his friends in FCG. If 
you are planning to contribute or know someone who is planning to 
contribute who is not on the FCG reflector, please feel free to forward 
them this email so that they're aware.

For the latest update on Dan's condition, I would refer you to Dan's 
email of a few days ago.

Chris W4WF

Chris Plumblee
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