[SEDXC] UHF Interference from RV TV amps update ALERT
Mon, 26 Jun 2000 19:39:15 -0700
>>What a mess!!! This could explain a lot.
>>David, AC4JF
>> Two representatives from Winegard Manufacturing came to Chattanooga
>> Monday 06/19/2000. They came prepared with a spectrum analyzer, yagi
>> antenna and about 35 replacement antennas, which had been modified for
>> lower (15db) gain. We went to one local R/V dealer and found and
>> replaced eight antenna/amplifiers, which were transmitting from 438mhz
>> to 483mhz and drifting up and down the band with spurs in the 900mhz
>> range. Due to time limitations, I don't think we got them all. We then
>> went to three other locations where we had found the amplifiers getting
>> into our 440 repeaters (one was 11+ miles from my repeater) and replaced
>> those.
>> Winegard has been more than cooperative about coming to Chattanooga and
>> helping find and replace these antennas. The company rep. said the
>> amplifiers were tested at 27db gain at UHF!
>> Chuck Roach N4WT
>> After talking with Chuck, there's some more news ...
>> The replacements worked perfectly with no spurs anywhere. Obviously,
>> they didn't oscillate.
>> Okay, now the bad news. They have manufactured and distributed over 4
>> million of these (according to the Wingard Rep) that are 27 DB since
>> 1991. The 11 replaced in Chattanooga has only scratched the surface. We
>> are still finding even more!
>> One of them was so bad, that you could modulate it by tapping on the body
>> of the RV.
>> Anyway, we are still waiting on more information from Winegard and the
>> FCC as to what is going to happen.
>> So if you are having UHF intereference problems, or 800-900 MHZ, think
>> about RV dealerships or campgrounds.
>> Andy Zorca
>> WJ9J