Wed, 17 May 2000 13:29:20 -0400
We were honored to have ON4UN to visit with us at the meeting. We had a
nice sit down and eat before the meeting. John came into New York last week
and has been giving presentation down the east coast. He is heading on to
Nashville today. John and myself went to visit W8JI yesterday and what a
station. A hams dream. We had some trouble getting our "beamers" to work
with Johns PC. Unfortunately that cut his talk a little short as we have to
be out of there before 9. We can't get into the meeting room before 7:30 so
we have to be careful on our time. John's program was on radials which I
found extremely interesting. It was in laymans terms and very straight
forward. He is giving it again in Dayton I believe.
There were several people that helped me a lot in the effort in getting
John's program on. I would like to say a special thanks to WB4SQQ, K4DX,
WW4T, AD4J and K4TEA. Ken , K4TEA was kind enough to be host for John
overnight before he headed on to Nashville. Hope to see some of you in
Dayton. From the show of hands there will be a good crowd from the club in
Dayton. 73