[SEDXC] [Force 12 Talk] Dayton Pricing

Jay Pryor jpryor@arches.uga.edu
Wed, 17 May 2000 10:33:06 -0400


- Jay/K4OGG

>Return-Path: <force12talk-return@qth.com>
>From: "Natan Huffman" <nhuffman@twcny.rr.com>
>To: "Force12Talk" <force12talk@qth.com>
>Subject: [Force 12 Talk] Dayton Pricing 
>Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 09:47:31 -0400
>X-ListMember: [force12talk@qth.com]
>Force 12 is pleased to announce the following special prices for the Dayton
>Hamvention.  Please mention these prices when placing an order at 800 248
>Thanks to all for the support and we are off to Dayton!
>Model        Reg Price    You Save    Dayton Price
>C-19XR         $895            $86            $809
>C-31XR        $1,195         $106          $1,089
>C-49XR        $2,389         $220          $2,169
>C-3               $579            $60            $519
>C-3/E            $619            $60            $559
>C-3SS           $499            $50            $449
>EF-180B        $589            $60            $529
>EF-180BV      $379            $40            $339
>MAG-240N     $975            $86            $889
>MAG-340N    $1,629          $160          $1,449
>V-3                $249            $24            $225
>ZR-3              $389            $40            $349
>LTP-620         $995            $100           $895
>LPT-827        $1,095          $100            $995
>LPT-1242      $1,195           $110          $1,085
>Shipping charges are additional.
>Natan W6XR
>Force 12 East
>Ithaca, NY
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