[SEDXC] New DX Cluster

Ernie Ernie" <erniez@hatcreekcopy.com
Tue, 10 Apr 2001 17:11:26 -0400


For those of you that don't have high speed internet connections for your DX
spots, I've put a new cluster on the air.

I'm located in south Forsyth County and have access at both 1200 and 2400
bps.  I am linked up to DXCentral.com.  There are typically 17 to 21 nodes
in this system. I have European spots blocked.

Here is the procedure for connecting:

To connect on 1200 bps:

Go to 145.69 MHz
Type: c sawnee
Then type: c ax3 ks4q
You will then be asked for a callsign and password to log into the cluster.
Obviously, you can pick your own.  This site is located on top of Sawnee
Mountain and has extremely good RF coverage.

For 2400 bps access:
Go to 145.63 MHz
Type: c cdx
Then type: DX
You will then be asked for a callsign and password to log into the cluster.
Again, you can pick your own.  I prefer that you not try to connect up to me
directly on this frequency.  This site has pretty good coverage but will not
be as good as the 1200 bps access point.

It took a lot of effort to get all this going.  Thanks go out to the
following for their efforts:  KD4K, W4DD, K4PI, K4SB, K4BAI, and WA4BPY.

Ernie KS4Q