[SEDXC] [Fwd: Ga QSO Party]
John Laney
Fri, 06 Jul 2001 09:22:35 -0400
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Here is a message from Stan, W4GF, who is planning to be QRV for the GQP
on July 21 and 22 this year. I hope that each of you is planning to be
QRV also. We welcome all activity in and out of the state. The
complete info is available on the SECC website at:
http://secc.contesting.com/. In my opinion, the greatest fun is to find
or install a mobile and to go from county to county giving out QSOs and
multipliers. We need to seriously talk this up for the next few weeks.
73, John, K4BAI.
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Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 20:50:21 -0700
Subject: Ga QSO Party
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Hi John,
Thought I would try my hand at a contest for a change,been several
years since I have been in one. Would like to know what Frequencies the
Ga Qso Party use,they didn't list them in QST. Also is there a Website
that list info on this contest.
Tnx Stan W4GF