[SEDXC] GA QSO PARTY - Mobile/Rover Plans (Update)
Larry Hammel K5OT
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 07:24:07 -0400
Mobiles that have announced plans include:
1. KT4ZB - southeastern GA (mobile on Saturday only)
2. AF4QB (with NY4N) - NW, west, and northcentral GA
3. WA4TII - eastcentral GA
4. KN4Y - southwestern and far south GA
5. W3DYA - westcentral and south GA - above KN4Y route
6. K4PK (with WB5RYB) - central GA
7. NJ4U (K4TW & K4EA) - NE, central, & SE GA
8. K5OT - NE, far north, and NW counties.
My apologies to Don K4PK for busting his call on my previous note.
Route changes:
K4PK will try to activate JONES and BALDWIN counties on Saturday, and HEARD
and TROUP on Sunday.
W3DYA may be able to cover EVANS and MONTGOMERY on his busy trip across the
And AF4QB has adjusted their route slightly, taking off a few counties at
the end of the day on Saturday but adding TROUP and HEARD on Sunday.
The only counties that still show little if any mobile coverage are just a
few near Augusta and along the SC border: Wilkes, Lincoln, Columbia,
Richmond, Burke, Jenkins, and Screven. Perhaps some home stations or
last-minute mobiles will fill in some of them.
Thanks to these mobiles and to the many home stations that have shown a lot
of early interest in the contest. It should be an active weekend!
Larry K5OT
PLANNED MOBILE ROUTES (as of 18 July 2001)
2001 GEORGIA QSO PARTY - July 21 & 22, 2001
These are estimated routes - actual routes can (and will) vary.
> From Jere KT4ZB [with others]
KT4ZB Saturday:
Chatham - Bryan - Liberty - McIntosh - Glenn - Brantley - Ware - Appling -
Toombs - Candler - Bulloch
> From Jeff NY4N [with Becky, AF4QB]
AF4QB Saturday:
Dade - Walker - Catoosa - Whitfield - Murray - Gordon - Bartow - Paulding -
Cobb - Cherokee - Forsyth - Fulton - Gwinnett - Hall - Barrow - Jackson -
Banks - Madison - Clarke - Oconee - Morgan.
AF4QB Sunday:
Walton - Newton - Rockdale - Dekalb - Clayton - Henry - Butts - Monroe -
Lamar - Pike - Fayette - Coweta - Meriwether - Troup - Heard - Carroll -
Douglas - Haralson - Polk - Floyd.
> From Dwight WA4TII:
Taliaferro - McDuffie - Warren - Glascock - Jefferson
> From Ed KN4Y:
Chattahoochee - Marion - Schley - Sumter - Lee - Worth and the counties
eastward to Brantley and Camden - and all counties south of that line to the
FL border.
> From Norm W3DYA:
Cover the counties above KN4Y - Muscogee - Harris - Meriwether - Spalding -
Butts - Monroe - Bibb - and south to Turner. Then Irwin eastward to Glynn -
then north to Effingham - west to Candler - Tattnall - Appling - Jeff
Davis - Telfair - Ben Hill and any in the the border of KN4Y's route except
for Long. May include Montgomery and Evans.
> From Don K4PK (with Bill WB5RYB):
K4PK Saturday: The Macon Loop
Fayette - Clayton - Henry - Butts - Jasper - Putnam - Hancock - Washington -
Johnson - Laurens - Wheeler - Telfair - Dodge - Wilcox - Crisp - Sumter -
Schley - Taylor - Upson - Pike - Meriwether - Coweta - and back to Fayette.
(add Jones and Baldwin)
K4PK Sunday: Macon Inner Loop
Fayette - Clayton - Henry - Spalding - Butts - Monroe - Bibb - Twiggs -
Bleckley - Pulaski - Dooly - Macon - Peach - Crawford - Monroe (again) -
Lamar - Pike - Spalding (again) - and back to Fayette. (add Heard and Troup)
> From Johnny K4TW [with Neal K4EA] as NJ4U/M :
NJ4U Saturday:
Franklin - Hart - Elbert - Madison - Oglethorpe - Greene - Taliaferro -
Warren - Glascock - Jefferson - Johnson - Emanuel - Treutlen - Candler -
Bulloch - Bryan - Effingham - Chatham
NJ4U Sunday:
McIntosh - Liberty - Long - Wayne - Pierce - Bacon - Appling - Jeff Davis -
Coffee - Telfair - Wheeler - Dodge - Laurens - Bleckley - Twiggs -
Wilkinson - Bibb - Monroe - Butts - Henry - DeKalb.
> From Larry K5OT:
K5OT Saturday:
White - Towns - Rabun - Habersham - Stephens - Banks - Jackson - Clarke -
Oconee - Barrow - Gwinnett - Hall - Dawson - Forsyth
K5OT Sunday:
Lumpkin - Union - Fannin - Gilmer - Pickens - Gordon - Murray - Whitfield -
Catoosa - Walker - Chattooga - Floyd - Bartow - Cherokee - and again in