[SEDXC] Phil Latta's Funeral Announcement

John T. Laney, III k4bai@worldnet.att.net
Sun, 29 Jul 2001 22:09:03 -0400

Phil's brother is N4LH in Louisville, KY.  The first year we revived the
GQP (1999), Phil had me send N4LH a complete set of rules, forms, etc.
I worked N4LH on 40 CW in GQP last weekend.

Thinking of Phil always brings a number of things to mind.  I remember
when (about 1970?) Phil went with the SEDXC dxpedition to Navassa and
climbed that free-swinging latter above the sea to get onto the island.
I have virtually no arm strength.  I would have had to return home
without operating...and that would have been true at any age.

Second, I am reminded of a banquet during an Atlanta hamfest many years
ago (before 1964).  I had bought a banquet ticket in advance, but on the
day of the event, K4BVD (now W6OAT) and K4TEA convinced me to skip the
banquet and go to dinner with them.  I think I was able to get my money
back, but the names must already have been put into a drawing and my
name was drawn for the first prize an all band CW/SSB transceiver.  This
was at a time that the only SSB transmitter I had was an old W2EWL
design converted command set that supposedly worked 20 and 75, but I
never got it to work except on 75.  Phil, K4GWX, from Toccoa, GA drew
the tickets and they called out my name for the main prize.  But, I
wasn't there and you had to be present to win... So they drew a second
ticket and it was Phil Latta's.  It couldn't have happend to a nicer
guy.  RIP, old friend.

73, John, K4BAI.