[SEDXC] KS4Q DX Cluster
Ernie" <erniez@hatcreekcopy.com
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 20:19:12 -0400
I've made a lot of improvements to the cluster and believe it will be a very
useful resource for the community.
You can access at 2400 bps on 145.01 MHz. This port is connected to an
antenna on a communications tower at around 2000 feet above sea level. Type
in "c sawnee" and once you get an acknowlegement from the packet switch,
type in "c ax1 ks4q" If you can copy the Sawnee Mtn. repeater on 147.15 MHz
(plus offset), you can reach this cluster. The same antenna is used by
both. But please don't 'kerchunk' their repeater!!!
You can access at 1200 bps on 145.09 MHz. This port is connected to a
relatively low antenna on Sawnee Mtn., but is still on very high ground.
Follow the above log in procedure.
There is also access at 2400 bps on 144.95 MHz through a NET/ROM in South
Forsyth County. Type in : 'c cdx' then type 'dx'
This DX cluster is not linked to the existing local cluster because my
cluster software does not support radio connections to the AK1A cluster
backbone. I am, however, connected continuously to DX Central..dot..com.
Spots are plentiful, two or three a minute most of the time, but are limited
to just those that originate in North America.
Some improvements in the 1200 bps access point on Sawnee Mtn. can be made in
the future, but that will require a new two meter radio and a three can
bandpass VHF duplexer to knock down the paging transmitter induced intermod
that is present on the mountain top.
Give it a try!
73, Ernie KS4Q