[SEDXC] Re: [SECC] GQP Plaques

Jay Pryor jpryor@arches.uga.edu
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 15:00:30 -0400

Jeff, et al.

Thank you for the generous offer from the Tennessee Contest Group.  Of 
course we accept!  At this point we have three plaques that we offered last 
year that are not sponsored: GA Low Power; GA QRP; and GA Low Power Mobile, 
CW only.  On the other hand, if TCG would prefer to sponsor a US/VE plaque, 
just name your new category.  The existing US/VE categories already in 
place and sponsored are:
US/VE High Power
US/VE Low Power
US/VE High Power, CW only

As all contesters know, it's great to have good neighbors!

Sponsorship is $40.  Please make out your check to Jay Pryor.

Jay Pryor
4735 Cambridge Drive
Dunwoody, GA 30338-5003


Jay, K4OGG

At 01:49 AM 4/19/2002, Ny4n@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 4/18/2002 1:54:28 PM Central Daylight Time, 
>jpryor@arches.uga.edu writes:
>>These are the categories we had last year that do not have sponsors (you
>>can sponsor one of these plaques):
>>GA High Power
>>GA Low Power
>>GA Low Power Mobile, CW Only
>   Hello Jay. After a quick and brief poll from some of the members here, 
> the Tennessee Contest Group would graciously like to sponsor one of the 
> remaining categories in the 2002 GAQP.
>   We understand that there might be some awkwardness, a group from 
> Tennessee sponsoring a category in the GQP, but if your group has no 
> problem with it, we would love to add our Group to the list. Having won a 
> couple of Plaques from past GQP's, there are works of art indeed. You can 
> pick which category you want us to sponsor.
>   Please contact me, Jeff, NY4N, with the details. I will also be 
> handling the funds for this project, so, we eagerly await your response!
>Jeff Clark  NY4N   TCG Executive Assistant

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