[SEDXC] Fwd: Re: [SECC] GQP Plaques

Jay Pryor jpryor@arches.uga.edu
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 16:12:16 -0400



Jay, K4OGG

>From: Ny4n@aol.com
>Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 15:54:25 EDT
>Subject: Re: [SECC] GQP Plaques
>To: jpryor@arches.uga.edu
>CC: tcg@k4ro.net
>X-Mailer: AOL 6.0 for Windows US sub 10563
>In a message dated 4/19/2002 2:10:29 PM Central Daylight Time, 
>jpryor@arches.uga.edu writes:
>>Jeff, et al.
>>Thank you for the generous offer from the Tennessee Contest Group.  Of 
>>course we accept!  At this point we have three plaques that we offered 
>>last year that are not sponsored: GA Low Power; GA QRP; and GA Low Power 
>>Mobile, CW only.  On the other hand, if TCG would prefer to sponsor a 
>>US/VE plaque, just name your new category.  The existing US/VE categories 
>>already in place and sponsored are:
>>US/VE High Power
>>US/VE Low Power
>>US/VE High Power, CW only
>>As all contesters know, it's great to have good neighbors!
>Good deal Jay. Check is in the mail! Put us down for the GA QRP, those 
>flea powered operators, as in a song years ago by Donna Summer, "they work 
>hard for the money"!
>Jeff  NY4N  TCG  EA

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