[SEDXC] Last chance for card checking for a while!

Bill Barr billn4nx at alltel.net
Wed Apr 9 23:41:56 EDT 2003


I will be at the Club meeting Tuesday Night ( April 15th) and as always
will be checking cards for DXCC . Leah and I are leaving for a 6 week trip to Italy in early May so I will miss the May meeting and possibly the June one as well!

Please make sure that all your cards are listed in the proper order, that you bring an SASE addressed to the ARRL, that you include your ARRL membership expiration date on the face sheet, and that you  bring a check payable to the ARRL or use your credit card ( Which is what I
do ).  BUT NO CASH!

I will also be collecting QSLs for the ARRL Outgoing Bureau.  Remember to
bring a mailing label off a QST or a copy of the label.  We charge a fee
of 4 cents per card. Please place cards in proper order!  The Web site shown below has a list of countries that CAN NOT be handled by the outgoing bureau. The list is shown  under the main heading of QSL Information: and the tab of " The ARRL outgoing QSL Service".  I urge you to bring your outgoing QSLs to this meeting as I will mail a batch before I depart in May.

Please review the rules for both DXCC Card Checking and for the Outgoing QSL
Bureau at : http://www.arrl.org/awards/dxcc/

Look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Bill N4NX

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