[SEDXC] Request for funds from G3SWH for Pacific Exped.

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Tue Jun 24 17:34:15 EDT 2003

Hello SEDXCers:

For some reason, G3SWH sent the message appearing below to SEDXC in care
of W4MS and myself.  So, I am forwarding it.  I have already told Phil
that the club has met this month.  I am sure that individual donations
would be appreciated and the club can consider the corporate request
under the usual guidelines if it desires to do so.

Hope to work you all this weekend from the Field Day operation of
Columbus Amateur Radio Club.  We will be 3A GA with a GOTA station and a
VHF station, primarily on 6 M.  The GOTA station will be signing KO4RR
and the other stations will sign N4WV.  These are the calls of KO4RR,
the speaker at the June meeting and his wife, who was with him at the
meeting.  Most (but not all) of the CW operation will be by KU8E, Jeff,
and myself.


John, K4BAI.

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