[SEDXC] callbook

Carl Henson wb4znh at megapipe.net
Sun Mar 14 12:27:41 EST 2004

Does anyone have a 1984-1989 Callbook for this lady?  If you have one and
don't want to part with it, they would be happy to ship it back.  73, Carl

Hello WWI friends.  Yesterday the VE from MVARC informed me that they needed
to see the actual call book (not a copy of the appropriate page) to verify
my wife, Susan's (KF4YPY) completion of morse code element 1 from her old
Novice license.  So - I am looking for a call book to take to the next VE
session so that she can get her general. She received her novice which was
valid for 5 years in 1984 or so.  Her old call was KB6BMO.  Anyone out there
have an old call book on the shelf??  Thanks for looking.  73  Paul, N3DAN

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