[SEDXC] Found rotor and one push up mast source

David L. Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Fri May 14 22:25:25 EDT 2004

I found a TV rotor and a source in Alabama for Rohn Push up masts.  A friend
in Louisiana  advised me to use chain link fence railing.  I am looking into
that angle.  Several offered Rohn 25 and one Rohn 20 but I just have no
place for a second tower.  The mast angle alongside the chimney is about the
only option except for using ropes a la Jay K4OGG.

I need about 8 or 10 more feet and that is why I am looking at the 50 foot
mast over the light weight versions sold by radio shack or Lowe's.  I have
both the S version manual of the Cushcraft 5 and 6 element beam which gives
me the better element and taper spacing over the original versions.  The  4
el Comet will QSY to St. Simons Island later this summer (rare rare grid

If someone does have a 50 foot H version of the Rohn Push up mast lying
around I pay cash or perhaps trade (I have a Butternut HF-5B I might trade).

73 Dave K4JRB

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