[SEDXC] FW: Urgent VU4 announcement

Joe Subich, K4IK k4ik at subich.com
Sat Oct 9 19:38:52 EDT 2004

Actually, Charlie (K4VUD) has been back from HS and VU for a couple 
of months.  He does maintain good contacts in that part of the 


   ... Joe, K4IK 

> From: "Charles Harpole" <k4vud at hotmail.com>
> To: ALL DXers
> Subject: Urgent VU4 announcement
> Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 16:37:57 +0000
> QST to all DXers world-wide:
> Mrs. Bharathi Prasad, VU2RBI, is now applying for a good VU4 license.  
> She is the leader of the 1978 DXpedition that last activated VU4, 
> Andaman Islands.  VU4 is now second or third most wanted DX entity, 
> and Bharathi's previously successful operation is an aid in her 
> application.
> To help her obtain a VU4 license, please send a letter
> stating the need for this operation.  You may wish to say:
> "Please grant permission for amateur ham radio operations on Andaman 
> Island to Mrs. Bharathi Prasad, VU2RBI, and her team.  Ham radio 
> contact with this location is desired by hundreds of thousands of 
> radio operators world-wide, ranking number two of all most wanted 
> places to contact anywhere.  Immense good will and increased 
> international understanding will result to India and tourism 
> interest will increase for the Andamans as a result of this ham 
> radio operation.  Thank you very much."  
> Please= use your own words where possible.  Please do this today.
> You may mail your letter to;
> Mrs. Bharathi Prasad, Qtr. #1284, Type IV Special,
> Sector 12, R.K. Puram, New Delhi, 110022 INDIA.
> Bharathi's ability to receive lots of emails will break her budget; 
> thus, if you have time only to send an email supporting letter, 
> please send that to k4vud at hotmail.com and op. Charles will print 
> these and mail the paper copies to Bharathi.
> I have personally visited the Prasad home in New Delhi, took her a 
> beam, and can certify she is completely authentic and that her 
> relationships with the India government are excellent.
> Thanks very much and the best of DX to all.
> 73,
> Charly Harpole, K4VUD and VU3CHE
> k4vud at hotmail.com

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