[SEDXC] October Program
Macie, Gordon
GMacie at innotrac.com
Fri Oct 15 08:35:32 EDT 2004
Wow !!.. What a lineup .. Never seen a club be able to schedule so far in
advance. Impressive
Gordon N4LR
-----Original Message-----
From: N4ZZK Al Ludwick [mailto:n4zzk at mindspring.com]
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 3:46 AM
To: SEDXC club reflector
Subject: [SEDXC] October Program
Program for the October Meeting.
Thanks to Wes for arranging the program on "The Life and times of Nicola
Tesla." The presentation by Stan Clay promises to be educational and
entertaining. A preview of next months program is also listed below along
with the those planned for the rest of the year.
HPE TO CU at the meeting...Al
-------------------- October 26 --------------------
Stan Clay
Wes Lamboley / W3WL
Life and times of Nicola Tesla, Inventor, Scientist, & Genius.
Stan worked for GAF and Ilford as a photographic scientist. His educational
background includes chemistry, electrical engineering and math. Currently
he teaches classes in digital imaging and computers.
Did you know? Tesla's has a U.S. patent for the first device anywhere using
wireless remote control.
-------------------- November 23 --------------------
Ken Byers / K4TEA
The Thrill of low band DXing, one enthusiast's viewpoint.
Ken will share his experiences over the past 19 years and include comments
- why top band dxing is such a challenge
- brief review of antennas and equipment
- techniques used
- some of the great top band dxers in the world and our own backyard
- valuable references
-------------------- December Party --------------------
Happy Holidays
-------------------- January 25 --------------------
Jim Streible / K4DLI
Antenna modeling using the popular EZNEC program.
-------------------- February 22 --------------------
Jim Kauten / W4TE
Digital DXing with PSK31 and RTTY
-------------------- March 29 --------------------
Bob Allphin / K4UEE
George Nicholson / N4GRN
3Y/P Peter One
-------------------- April 26 --------------------
Dick Baxter / K5TF
Estate planning, what to do when the inevitable occurs. Should we consider
forming a club service group?
-------------------- May 31 --------------------
Member show and tell. A favorite QSL, award, homebrew project or anything
else to share.
-------------------- June 28 --------------------
Wes Lamboley / W3WL
Kergeulen (FT/X)
-------------------- July Summer Picnic --------------------
Hot fun in the summer time
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