[SEDXC] Fwd: Democratic People's Republic of Korea - P5

Gary McConville wb4sq at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 1 11:45:49 EDT 2005


--- BLamboley at aol.com wrote:

> Hello Gang,
> Per the request Bob, K4UEE, sent out (see below), I hearby second his
> motion.  P5 meets our criteria for "Top Ten" needed.  
> I figure a quick way to do this and not go to jail is to vote on it. 
>  Since 
> we have about 29 folks at the meetings it would take 15 "yes" votes 
> to 
> approve it.  Bob and I vote in favor.  I need 13 more members to 
> send me an email 
> voting "Yes" as well.
> Since Dave is leaving very soon, I figure the best way to handle the
> money  
> would be for Bob "Deep Pockets" Allphin to write him a check and
> Harry will 
> then  reimburse him with SEDXC money.
> Thanks for your quick attention on this matter!
> Best
> Wes - W3WL
> President, SEDXC
> Hi SEDXC members....
> I am working with Dave,  KA2HTV, and helping him work on his "pileup"
> skills for the challenge  ahead.  
> I told him that I would see about the SEDXC  helping with some of his
> expenses.  My official proposal is that SEDXC  give him $150 toward
> his 
> "excess " 
> baggage costs.  Since he leaves in a  few days, can the executive
> committe 
> make a 
> deicsion on this?
> Thanks,  Bob
> K4UEE 
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