k4sb@bellsouth.net k4sb at bellsouth.net
Wed Dec 14 01:19:55 EST 2005

David Thompson wrote:
Charlie Mellen, W1FH became a SK over the weekend.  Charlie was Mr. Dx
in the USA in the 40's, 50's and early 60's.  He was a big Dxer that had
time for a new Dxer like me.  I met Charlie at the 1983 W1 DXCC dinner
(Carl and Martha were the speakers that night) and found out he was a
nice guy inperson too.
He retired from Active DXCC chasing about 1965 as did many OT DXers.
RIP Charlie
Dave K4JRB
This is simply a mistake. According to the "Daily DX" of this date,
Charlie is alive, but hospitilized and is bad condition and getting
worse, but still alive.

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