[SEDXC] Fwd: [NoGaQRP] FW: Morse Code on Leno

iam4rb@aol.com iam4rb at aol.com
Fri May 13 10:58:24 EDT 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: Norman Schklar <norman at schklar.com>
To: NoGaQRP at mailman.qth.net
Sent: Fri, 13 May 2005 08:45:19 -0400
Subject: [NoGaQRP] FW: Morse Code on Leno

For you late night guys, This could be interesting!

Norm Schklar
C: 770.313.9410

-----Original Message-----
From: kq6fm at charter.net [mailto:kq6fm at charter.net] 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 9:53 PM
To: pr list
Subject: Morse Code on Leno

(Courtesy of Larry Griggs W7MCO)

Tomorrow, Friday May 13th, the Tonight Show with Jay Leno will feature a
message sending/receiving contest between a cell phone text messaging team
and a Morse code team.

The Morse code team will consist of Chip Margelli K7JA and Ken Miller K6CTW.

Chip and Ken do a lot of contests and DXpeditions.  Joe Drago, props manager
for the show is KF6OCP.

This should result in some excellent PR for ham radio.

Don Carlson - KQ6FM
NV. Section Emergency Coord.
NV. Section Pub.Information Coord.
kq6fm at charter.net - kq6fm at arrl.net

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